Sunday, May 2, 2010

Start of an Endeavor

More often than not I find myself not remembering things that I do on a day to day basis. I am not sure if my brain is memory deficient, but I have a pretty poor memory. I have decided to take on Project365. This project encourages you to take a picture everyday and post it (perhaps with a small description) as a journal of your everyday life. I hope that I have the endurance to persistent through this giant undertaking.

I am not actually starting Project365 yet, as I'd love this project to encompass my entire senior year at Gustavus Adolphus College, but I'll blog on here as a warm-up throughout the month of May.

Thanks for listening,


  1. Yay Patrick!
    Looking forward to your musings and pictures :)

  2. Welcome to blogging! Perhaps you'll become the first non-Twins blog on my blogroll.

  3. This will be so wonderful since I don't get to share your life with you on a day to day anymore! Always are wondering what you are up to! Mom

  4. This will be interesting to see! I look forward to reading your blog.
