Monday, May 3, 2010

Definitely not moving to Octavia!

Pretty much all day I worked on my last problem for my Topics course. This problem pertains to an imaginary city that has very low speed limits and huge city blocks (1 sq. mi.) I submitted attempt 1 and got it returned to me, and finished up a second attempt which is now to be graded. I also just recently learned that I have Theory of Computation homework initial attempt due tomorrow that I haven't even much for being on top of things...

UPDATE (5-3-10 8:50AM): Octavia attempt #2 = failed. He said it was better though!



  1. What is the point of the huge city blocks? That doesn't seem very effective to me.

    That's too bad you failed your attempt.. good luck on finishing it!

  2. It is a hypothetical city, it is like when physicists say "Assume a perfectly spherical cow".

  3. Haha. Yes, I see...

  4. This post is an attempt to fix my comment picture...

    Also, do I know you Charles or are you a random person that found my blog? Either way I am glad that you enjoy my stories, but I am just a little curious...


  5. Yes, we haven't met, I just found your blog one day, and decided to read it :) I'm glad too
