Thursday, September 30, 2010

Drop Painting Begins!


MM started with the giant wall painting today. It is going to be so cool when it is done. In other news, I got my cultural anthropology test back, not so good.


Wednesday, September 29, 2010



I read a play with a small group for class today. EB and LY-J and I plan on reading more plays for class together! DM, Patty and I started a band on RockBand. It is called "Meow Meow Controversy".


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I Need Another Monitor


I spent most of the day (when I wasn't in class or cooking marinated chicken breasts) coding in java. I started and finished a computer science lab that isn't even due until Friday. I did realize one thing though. I NEED another monitor. I spent so much time minimizing and maximizing all of the windows I had open. (Chrome, Thunderbird, psftp, putty, Notepad++) I took a screenshot for today. I don't know if this is against the rules, but I don't really care and make my own rules anyway...

The big window on the right is putty logging into the home folder server here at school and executing my code (in this case sending e-mail [the long weird strings of characters are actually an image]). The small window on the top is psftp which allows me to transfer the source code (seen underneath everything) to the home folder server in order to run it.

I am sorry I got so technical. Essentially, I wrote a program that sends e-mail attachments from a text interface.


Monday, September 27, 2010

Thrill Me: Thanks!


Computer Science lab today, guess who is a bit rusty...After re-learning the basics of Java, I was able to get some functioning monster...I will be writing more code soon. I studied for a Cultural Anthro test with Patty and picked up a package in the mail. I ordered some prints from Shutterfly from the Thrill Me photocall to give away as thank you's. I wrote 15 total, each with personalized messages on the backs of them. I realized that I didn't take a photo for the day when DM said "Hey do you have a picture for today yet?" and I responded, "No." He wanted me to take a picture of this:

So I did. If you have been an avid reader, you will note that this is the same whiteboard from a while ago when there was sharpie used on it. This is a callback joke.


Sunday, September 26, 2010

St. Peter Is Now A Peninsula


I think the most entertaining thing I did today was go down to the river to gawk at the flooding. I went with Patty, KF, DS and DM. Here is what it looks like on Southbound 22 exiting St. Peter:

There is water basically surrounding St. Peter right now, and this isn't even the highest point...It is supposed to crest on Wednesday...good thing we are on a hill :P


Saturday, September 25, 2010



I went to the homecoming football game with Patty, DM and DS. It was a pretty good game despite the loss and huge number of penalties that we received. Olaf got lucky this time... I took a few photos at the game, here are a few:

After the game we attended the "5th quarter" in a large tent. There was free Chipotle chips and B-dubs. Yum. Then I went to a bunch of stores with Patty, LM, and KF. They went to The Home Depot to buy some whiteboard material, but it didn't fit in the vehicles, so we had them hold it for tomorrow. I ended staying up really late talking with Patty.


Friday, September 24, 2010

My Birthday


Today is my birthday. I am now 22 years old. To celebrate my life thus far, Patty baked me a cake despite being sick. It was a 3-layer chocolate cake and had a whipped egg white peanut butter frosting. I helped her bake it. After the cake was built, she took a well deserved nap, and I went to homecoming coronation. There were a few good variety show acts, but the best one was the courts' interpretive dance to the double rainbow song:

After what seemed to be endless terrible jokes from the MC's, they finally announced the King and Queen...

Congrats, JL and MM!!!

After coronation some of my friends gathered and shared a late dinner and drinks with me a Patrick's. We all went back and ate cake in Patty's room. It was a great b-day for me. I received two packages in the mail one from my parents and the other from my grandparents. My parents got me some chocolate to hold me over until they could give me my real present!


Thursday, September 23, 2010

R&J Platforming


Today is theatre thursday so I am gonna cut to the chase:

I am thrilled that we were able to get this set up so quickly!


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

ΗΣΦ Poetry Reading


Spent the day slowly catching up on all the internetting he missed out on throughout "Thrill Me" (including blogging).I worked for 3 hours today and basically worked on one thing (an awkwardly shaped trap door). Since I don't really get a lunch break, Patty brought me a sandwich (ham if you were wondering). Today was also the first production meeting for "The Stronger" for which I am the lighting designer. EB has some cool ideas for this show and I am excited to execute them. After the meeting I went to help Patty with an event that she helped coordinate for ΗΣΦ [Eta-Sigma-Phi](the classics honors society). Here is a pic of someone reading some poetry:


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Epic Window Painting

One-Hundred-Sixteen. (or 250 days remaining).

Last year when we got housing assigned to us, DS approached me and informed me that she lives right above me and my roommates. She also described a brilliant idea to do window painting that transcends the floor boundaries. Patty executed the first of hopefully many window painting schemes. We got our third floor neighbors involved and did 3 crowns on the side wall and did "GAC" down the front wall. Here is how it looks:


Monday, September 20, 2010

Failure to Capture Lightning


BLARG. Monday. Went grocery shopping with PD and DM, we nailed down "family" budgeting and kitchen ownership rules for our apartment...something that needed to get done soon. We forgot to buy bread (which was one of the major reasons for going to the store in the first place. We made Sesame chicken for dinner, it was great (KF helped us). I did some reading and went to Econo with Patty to get bread. Later that night it rained and lightninged. I tried to shoot some lightning and got that picture instead.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Thrill Me: The End


Made the last commute to the Lowry Lab. I am going to miss seeing all of the great people I have been working with everyday. (I'll still see them, but I wont ever have to share the back seat of HM's car with them). Strike took far too long, but it is ok because we wrapped it up at the American Burger Bar. (Yeah, I went there 3 times in the past 4 days, don't judge me). When I got back I realized I didn't have a picture for today, so I took a picture of a figure that AB-G has in our room. The head spins around showing Norm Coleman's face, when ever his girlfriend comes over she moves it to the Coleman side, and I always have to flip it back to the Franken side.


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Thrill Me: Family Night


I got to ride up to the theatre with someone I haven't mentioned in a while, Patty (I may have just mentioned her so that I can label this post with her name). We did photocall for Thrill Me today:

Most of our families came to the show tonight, so I call it family night. After the show my family and I went out to the American Burger Bar again. Then Patty and I drove back to GAC.


Friday, September 17, 2010

Thrill Me: Cast Party


I went to work for the first time since Monday. Holy. Crap. We have some pro scene shoppers this year. The platforms for the set were already up! Another performance of Thrill Me tonight in St. Paul, this crowd was bigger than the first night! Afterwards we went to CD's home in Shoreview. His family had set up a really great party! MD decided to build a tower of bottles:


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thrill Me: Opening Night

Eleventy-One. (Yeah, that is a LOTR reference)

I got work off today too because of the incident last night. We all commuted to the theatre in HM's car. Opening night went great and had no flaws. After the show the whole team went out to the American Burger Bar right next to the theatre. I am so glad that I am able to work with such a great group of people.


P.S. This totally counts as Theatre Thursday!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Thrill Me: Tech


Started the day with my mom before she left for work. It was good to see her, even if it was only for 15 minutes. GS and I went to pick up BM where she was staying. Then we went to Menards to by some extension cords for the lights. We hung the rest of the lights and hung the rest of the prints on the walls. That seemed to take forever. HM and I started to write cues. We were really far behind schedule for a number of reasons, mostly how much time it took to hang the drops and learn the light board. The actors showed up and we did and Q to Q and set timings for the cues. It was about 11:30pm by the time we started a run of the show. The first half went well for not having any experience with the light board. About halfway through the run, MD said that he couldn't continue (I don't want to divulge any info). We ended up leaving after that. I am a little nervous that we have not done a full run before opening, and probably will not do so. I am confident that it will be ok. Pic today is from the car, to save the final look of the stage for tomorrow!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Thrill Me: Hang/Focus


After classes GS drove me up to the theatre and helped me hang the lights I borrowed from GAC. My design is slowly coming together and the prints are starting to be hung in the space. They were designed by BM (click to go to her website). After the run GS and I hung lights until we ran out of cable. Since I only had work on Wednesday, I asked for the time off. I stayed at my parent house that night. When we arrived, the parents were already asleep. It will be nice to sleep in my own bed.


Monday, September 13, 2010

Thrill Me: Move In


We moved into the Lowry Lab for Thrill Me today. KM and KF helped me hang lights. It was great to see the actors in the space and interacting with the set. I know this place is going to be my home for a few days...

On the way back to GAC, I used Google 411 to find a food place with KB and MD. It was a nice journey into unknown territory.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Lazy Sunday


Went grocery shopping with Patty and TA today. I didn't spend as much as last time (thank God). We got back and pulled apart the roasting chicken ate it while we waited for the baked potatoes to finish. We ate them too and then got free ice cream in the lobby of SW. Yum. Then I read ahead for some of my classes because I will be hella busy with Thrill Me this week. Here is a picture that PD drew on AB-G's white board (in sharpie [oops]):


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Capitalizing on the Free.


Patty's sister KO came down to visit today. We went to the grocery store and bought buttermilk for pancakes. They were pretty good. Later we watched a ton of Arrested Development. We made spaghetti  and went to Stuart Pimsler. It was an odd experience, but quite good. After that we went to SNL (Saturday Night in Lund) and got free pizza and ice cream. I took this picture in Patty's room before I went to bed.


Friday, September 10, 2010

Last First Friday


At work I helped focus lights for Stuart Pimsler and met their lighting designer R, he seemed cool. Later I watched some of the IT Crowd season 4 (thanks PD). DS, DM, and Patty watched some Arrested Development and then went to see Ironman II in Lund. It was an ok movie, could have used a bit more plot. Afterwards we went to DK, PH, SM, and BB's apartment and partied with them for a while. Had a dance party in the living room.


Thursday, September 9, 2010



Class and work. I declared a Theatre minor today, fairly exciting and rather expected. There was a Theatre pizza party that I an all the other theatre people attended. Another Thrill Me rehearsal (the last one until we are moved into the Theatre in Saint Paul)! I think the sound design is rather nailed down. Today is the first week of Theatre Thursday, so here is what is going on in Anderson:


Wednesday, September 8, 2010



Morning Praise today. I chapel on Wednesdays, no homily, just singing. I had 3 hours of work today (no class, whoo!) and spent most of it installing mics and setting EQ's for the upcoming performance of Stuart Pimsler Dance Theatre. Then I edited a ton of audio for Thrill Me coming up. Audacity is great! Then I went to rehearsal and played the newly sliced chunks. Henry gave me a few notes, and I plan on tweaking stuff tomorrow. Yet again, almost forgot a picture today:


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Last First Day


Woke up at 8, breakfast, first class (with Patty): Cultural Anthropology. Prof seems interesting, has a unique sense of humor that I think I will enjoy. Opening Convocation: the prez gives a long winded speech...he says "make your life count", I vomit a goes on. I check my mail (after way too many failed attempts...). Lunch in the apartment. Networking, new prof. Little nervous about the way he runs the ship, but I should be ok. Foundations of Western Theatre, not a big fan of history, but this new prof is going to be alright I think. No tests! Tortellini for dinner with the roomies and Patty as well as GS. I went to the start of the year bell choir meeting. I ended up auditioning. I am in one of the ensembles now, if I can make sure it will fit my schedule. Kinda cool.

I go to Thrill Me rehearsal. Everything is going great. They use my sound CD, give criticism and I make a new cut, we will try it tomorrow. This whole Thrill Me thing has got me a little on edge, but I think I will probably do fine.


Monday, September 6, 2010

Move In Day!


I technically moved in today. I got my keys. It was great seeing all of the people I hadn't seen all summer! My family came down today too and dropped off some stuff that I forgot to bring. Being at GAC is great, but there is a part of me that will miss them. After they left pretty much everyone went to the back to school bash to get free food from res-life. At the table we played some Raw Deal (a card game). Later, there were acrobats that did some pretty impressive things. I am sad that I had to duck out early. I recorded AA for Thrill Me coming up. He played the radio announcer. I have some sound editing to do now. After that I got ready for class tomorrow and filled in my Google calendar. I am excited for class to start again! Today's picture is our living room. It is kinda bland, (EDIT: I fussed with it to make it more interesting/weird) but we hope to get some posters (and I am hoping to have some of my photos printed).


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 100


Yep, thats right. 100 days.

Patty and I went grocery shopping today. This was my first time shopping for my own food at the store. We went to pretty much every grocery store in southern Minnesota. I had my mom send me the family wild rice soup recipe and we made a batch of it. Delicious. After dinner, Patty and I went to the theatre to pass out fliers before IAWA to get men to audition for Shakespeare's R&J (1st main-stage show). We watched IAWA and then we went back to SW to make brownies. We made brownies and watched Up in her room with her roommate AF one of her friends, AB-G, and AW.

I am going to leave you with a Helen Keller quote that was in IAWA that is a good reminder to everyone: "I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but I still can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something I can do."


Saturday, September 4, 2010

Move In Day (Sorta)


Rather boring picture of Patty's desk area today. I helped her move all of her stuff in today. The day started with a drive to St. Thomas to get her sister. Then we drove toward St. Peter. I didn't eat before we left, so we stopped at Emma Krumbees in Belle Plaine. I had never been there before and I thought it was pretty good. We then continued on our journey to St. Peter, arrived and moved in all of her junk. It was an exhausting day. I am a stowaway until Mon. because I am technically not supposed to be living here yet.


Friday, September 3, 2010

Outdoor Baseball 3


AB-G invited me to go to a Twins game with him. Yet again, I accepted. I dropped Patty off downtown with her sister and drove back home. AB-G and his sister KB-G picked me up and we went to the game. It was a bit chilly, but I didn't complain too much because I love the new stadium and outdoor baseball. The Twins won 4-3 against the Texas Rangers. After the game, we dropped AW's brother off at his place and we drove to my place for pizza (Patty and her sister met us there). Patty and I made the crust earlier and we made two pizzas. They were delicious!


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Patty Arrives


Patty and her family came over for dinner tonight we had chicken breast, rice, some salad and wine. It was great having both of our families together for a dinner at our house. I didn't take a picture until really late, so I took a picture of the table setting.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Move In Day (Kinda)


EO came over today and ended up paying me for the two shoots. I guess I am no longer an amateur. My Dad helped me move all of my stuff in to Southwest today. PD moved in early and let me into the room. I personally will be moving in soon, but this was just to get all of my stuff moved in.

The picture is of my messy desk with lack of TV...
