Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I Need Another Monitor


I spent most of the day (when I wasn't in class or cooking marinated chicken breasts) coding in java. I started and finished a computer science lab that isn't even due until Friday. I did realize one thing though. I NEED another monitor. I spent so much time minimizing and maximizing all of the windows I had open. (Chrome, Thunderbird, psftp, putty, Notepad++) I took a screenshot for today. I don't know if this is against the rules, but I don't really care and make my own rules anyway...

The big window on the right is putty logging into the home folder server here at school and executing my code (in this case sending e-mail [the long weird strings of characters are actually an image]). The small window on the top is psftp which allows me to transfer the source code (seen underneath everything) to the home folder server in order to run it.

I am sorry I got so technical. Essentially, I wrote a program that sends e-mail attachments from a text interface.



  1. You wouldn't need psftp if you were using a mac... just saying. Not a big deal or anything. Just totally awesome and convenient and should convince you to forever denounce the ways of Microsoft.

    And that's my story...

  2. Ahh yes. I'm pretty sure an old CRT was the first piece of furniture I made sure I had here, well, following a bed, of course.
