Monday, May 3, 2010

Down to 2.25 Courses

I finally (after 3 attempts), squashed the bug that was plaguing my code for the last problem I had to do for my computer science capstone. After I present my solution to this problem I will only have 2.25 courses to complete for this semester (out of 4.25 that I was registered for, the other course being assistant stage management). Being done with these 2 courses will hopefully allow me to focus on Theory of Computation, which has been kicking my butt lately. (5 problems to do tonight.)

On another note, I finished wading through my pictures for Arabian Nights and now can focus on white balancing and de-noising them. I hope to have some of them out on the web soon.

In the small amount of chill time I had today, I played some Zelda: Twilight Princess and beat the forest temple. As well as talking Classics with my GF Patty in the Library.

I also started to think about neat things I could do when I start up the picture-a-day part of this blog. I am thinking that Sundays' will be "Sunrise or Sunset" days where I wake up early and get a shot of the flaming ball of gas that we call the sun. "Theatre Thursdays" will feature a picture of the set as it progresses (during the school year). Do any of my readers have other ideas for themed days of the week? Let me know in comments! \/

EDIT: I am not going to be doing "Sundays" I am just too lazy...



  1. you would do a themed day... also you would play Zelda in your free time...

  2. I'm glad you finished your problem you were working on!

    I don't know too much about taking pictures, but "white balancing" seems to ring a bell. Maybe you could take a picture of yourself one day of the week! Then you could see how your hair changes, and things like that.
