Saturday, June 19, 2010

Lady In A Tater Daze


Woke up to a flustered Mom. I didn't really get the details right away, but eventually the puzzle pieces came together. Tree. Branches. Idiot. Car. Reverse. Damage. A woman managed to back into our front pine tree (going rather fast I might add). My dad spoke to her and has a sneaking suspicion that she was high. Here is a photo of the damage:

Notice the tire tracks and the damage to the lower branches of the tree. Since these branches were probably going to die, and my mother wanted to get the tree trimmed on the bottom anyway, she got what she wanted a little earlier than intended. The whole family helped. I did most of the cutting of limbs in the heart of the tree. I got all sappy and there were a ton of spiders living in the inches of dead needles under there. We found a few golf balls, a few cans and water bottles, and a baby doll (which looked really creepy). There is a funny looking whole where the car hit, and my mom took this picture of Phillip and I:

After trimming the tree, I took a shower and got all of the sap off of my hands, (Pam cooking spray works the best) I went to the FFG event center to play a game with Phillip and my cousins IH and MH. I was impressed with the facility (and that I didn't have to pay to get in). We played a little game called small world. It was pretty sweet. Afterwards IH took us all out for pizza at Davanni's it was delicious. The day concluded with fireworks for the city festival called Tater Daze. I tried my hand at firework photography again, and this one is my favorite:

JPEG Compression did not do this photo justice...

Till Tomorrow,

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