Monday, June 21, 2010

Biggest Fan?


My friend RA came over today, it was good to catch-up on life again. She and I haven't interacted in a while, but she is pretty much the same as I remember her. I realized that she eats Oreos the same way Patty and I do (Twist off the garbage cookie, eat it [usually in one bite], then eat the cookie with the stuff on it in smaller bites to savor the correct stuff to cookie ratio). Talked with Patty on the phone and she told me that she is transferring into my Nature of Math class, which is great because then we will have a class together in the fall. I also started playing with some of the other features of the program that came with my camera. I altered this photo of a fan in my living room to look like this:

I will stop doing lame pictures soon, as I am going on a road trip on Wednesday with TA, and KM.


1 comment:

  1. ooh. thats sweet! (the picture). I'm assuming once I read the description I will know what it is. ha.
